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Dirk Hülsenbeck ;-)

"Courage is found in unlikely places."

(J. R. R. Tolkien)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential Nominee

Governor Mitt Romney delivers the keynote address to the 2012 Republican National Convention.

August 30, 2012 | Tampa, FL

1 comment:

  1. That means the well-known and estimable U.S. blogger Erick Erickson of redstate.com on his website, which really is always recommended:

    The Next President

    By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 31st at 03:30 AM

    What a difference a speech makes. As Ari Fleischer noted on CNN, the same media that was cool with the shallow vapidity of hope and change in 2008 is now demanding specifics from Mitt Romney. Last night in Tampa, he gave the one set of specifics he needed to give — a course correction.

    The Democrats are screaming that it is a return to the 1950′s, when unemployment was less than it is now. That is a talking point. Mitt Romney made a very simple case for himself last night: the President promised the oceans and the earth. He’s just promising to help Americans. It was a modest plan with bold implications.

    The speech was the best speech Mitt Romney has ever given. The material might not have been the greatest, but Romney himself delivered it with more substance than the text. The story of the rose will resonate. The desire for parents to have their kids piled up back on the bed will resonate. Mitt Romney will resonate.

    Last night on MSNBC, viewers were treated to a spectacle akin to animals flinging poo in a zoo. They were unhinged. It was like Baghdad Bob had taken over. That the left is in such a meltdown is a very good sign for the GOP.


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